Category: Uncategorized

  • Neil Henderson’s Campaign Video

  • Buses and lotteries, making city changes the simple way..the Curitiba way

    Neil Henderson I attended the Celebrate Swanson candidate invite the other night and  afterward found myself talking to Cr Vanessa Neeson outside. We were expanding on some of the thoughts thrown up by candidates responses to the burning question of the night. How would we personally ensure that Waitakeres unique identity is retained within the…

  • ‘Independents’?

    Jeremy Greenbrook-Held At Henderson-Massey’s only meet-the-candidates meeting (West Heights Residents and Ratepayers Association), Future West and Citizens and Ratepayers were questioned about why we were bringing ‘national politics’ in to local elections. There was a mad rush of sitting so-called ‘independent’ Waitakere City councillors (including several former Team West candidates) to take a swing at…

  • Come On, West Auckland! It’s Our Time!

    Voting papers are being sent out from today, and Future West and Future Whau have made it real easy to vote for Your Street, not Queen Street. For Mayor of the Auckland Super City, tick Len Brown. For the Henderson-Massey and Waitakere Ranges Local Board, tick all the Future West Candidates. For the Whau Local…

  • Love your library

    Lyndon Walker The Auckland Supercity merger will see Aucklanders have access to the 55 libraries and four mobile libraries in the Auckland region; from Wellsford to Waiheke to Waiuku. This will make it the largest collection of libraries in Australasia, giving Aucklanders access to around 3.5 million items. Beyond the books, public libraries provide many…