Category: Glen Eden
Auckland Council’s emergency budget
The Emergency Budget consultation is now under way. Auckland Council’s budget consultation documents suggest there is no business as usual option for Auckland Council. And they are correct. But I am worried that the draft focusses entirely on financial matters and ignores the community and environmental repercussions of what is clearly an austerity budget. The…
Chair’s report – Corvid-19 is changing everything
I am sure I have no need to tell you that we are living in a difficult time. So far locally we have been shielded from the direct effects of the Covid-19 virus but throughout the world we are seeing the effects that the virus is having on health systems and communities. And the economic…
The new term
The text of my speech for the inaugural meeting of the Waitakere Ranges Local Board. Can I first thank Mana Whenua for starting our meeting and our term in a most appropriate way. Can I thank everyone for attending this the inaugural meeting of the fourth Waitakere Ranges Local Board. I have had the privilege…
Three years of living dangerously
Tena koutou katoa The end of a political term is always an opportunity to reflect on what has happened during the term, wonder about what we could have achieved but did not, and celebrate the decisions that we are proud of. And it is an opportunity to reflect on the nature of the job and…
Glen Eden gets three Pataka Kai
I have been heavily involved in the Glen Eden community since 1988 when I set up my law practice here. I have always liked the place. It is full of good people and has a strong and proud community. And it is a generous community. You just have to see the multitude of groups and…