Category: Affordable Housing
Chair’s report – Asset sales and Glen Eden intensification
My September Chair’s report where I talk about intensification of Glen Eden and the need to preserve open space to make intensification work.
December Chair’s report – what the Board wants to achieve this term.
At the inaugural meeting I set out eleven matters that I wanted the board to focus on this term. I thought I should repeat the list and then report on what is happening. These included: Climate change. Every decision we make should have a climate change filter applied to it. The marine environment. Our streams…
Three years of living dangerously
Tena koutou katoa The end of a political term is always an opportunity to reflect on what has happened during the term, wonder about what we could have achieved but did not, and celebrate the decisions that we are proud of. And it is an opportunity to reflect on the nature of the job and…
A charter for Glen Eden?
I have had a law practice in Glen Eden now for over 30 years. I chose to set up there because the place really appealed and I lived nearby. It was relatively inexpensive, not too flash. And there was a real sense of community and the area was full of good natured down to earth…
Housing affordability and urban form
Hugh Pavletich of Demographia has released its annual review of housing affordability. The results are not surprising. New Zealand continues to perform poorly on any matrix associated with affordable housing. From Radio New Zealand: The annual Demographia International Housing Affordability shows New Zealand has continued to be one of the most unaffordable countries in the world to buy…