Category: racism

  • Remember March 15

    Remember March 15

    Twelve months ago the unthinkable happened to Aotearoa New Zealand.  A right wing extremist armed with weapons of mass destruction went on a rampage through a Christchurch mosque and killed 51 human beings and injured another 49. I can recall the day well.  I had been to Aotea Square at Auckland where thousands and thousands…

  • Three years of living dangerously

    Three years of living dangerously

    Tena koutou katoa The end of a political term is always an opportunity to reflect on what has happened during the term, wonder about what we could have achieved but did not, and celebrate the decisions that we are proud of. And it is an opportunity to reflect on the nature of the job and…

  • The National Anthem in Te Reo

    The National Anthem in Te Reo

    One of the best parts of the job is attending citizenship ceremonies. My job is to preside over the ceremony and to administer the oaths of allegiance. People from many countries and cultures gather together to pledge allegiance to the Queen of New Zealand and become proud kiwis. At the end of the ceremony we…

  • Someone in Hamilton is stupid as well as racist

    Someone in Hamilton is stupid as well as racist

    It is election time. Throughout the country billboards are springing up from the ground with pictures of people wanting to be civic leaders and associated words designed to persuade the public that these people understand the job and will represent them best. Graffiti and damage are common occurrences, although thankfully this year much less frequent.…