Category: Public Transport

  • Three years of living dangerously

    Three years of living dangerously

    Tena koutou katoa The end of a political term is always an opportunity to reflect on what has happened during the term, wonder about what we could have achieved but did not, and celebrate the decisions that we are proud of. And it is an opportunity to reflect on the nature of the job and…

  • Light rail in Auckland

    Light rail in Auckland

    There has been some push back against the Government’s light rail proposal for Dominion Road from some unlikely sources. Councillor Mike Lee, former NZ First candidate and public transport enthusiast Jon Reeves and others have formed a new organisation NZ Transport 2050 Incorporated to advocate for the Puhinui spur, a rail line that will link…

  • Chair’s report October 2017 – three schools

    Chair’s report October 2017 – three schools

    Now that the general election madness is behind us I have been able to concentrate more fully on local matters. School visits This past month I have had significant interaction with three schools. The first school that I visited was Woodlands Park Primary where Saffron Toms and I were the guests with the very happy…

  • How to wreck a busway

    How to wreck a busway

    The Northern Busway has been an outstanding success.  The project started in the late 1990s and was officially opened in 2008.  It was credited with initially removing 500 cars per rush hour.  The parks around the stations were full shortly after the opening and drastic improvements in congestion around the Harbour Bridge were observed. The busway works…

  • Apartments for Glen Eden?

    Apartments for Glen Eden?

    The Western Leader recently published a story about a proposal to build two ten story apartment houses in the middle of Glen Eden.  From the article: Ten-storey towers of mostly one-bedroom flats have been proposed for suburban west Auckland, prompting local fears they will turn into slums. Developers have applied for non-notifiable resource consent to build…