Category: manukau
About Auckland Council’s Shoreline Adaption Plans
Auckland Council is currently consulting about the future of Council assets in coastal areas affected by rising sea levels. Feedback received so far suggests people want this to be a much larger discussion involving the future of roads and private property, not just Council assets.
The new term
The text of my speech for the inaugural meeting of the Waitakere Ranges Local Board. Can I first thank Mana Whenua for starting our meeting and our term in a most appropriate way. Can I thank everyone for attending this the inaugural meeting of the fourth Waitakere Ranges Local Board. I have had the privilege…
Three years of living dangerously
Tena koutou katoa The end of a political term is always an opportunity to reflect on what has happened during the term, wonder about what we could have achieved but did not, and celebrate the decisions that we are proud of. And it is an opportunity to reflect on the nature of the job and…
Chair’s report – February 2017 – Kauri dieback, the polluted Manukau and Waitangi day
The text of my Chair’s report for February 2017. Happy belated new year to everyone. The year has started off to a somewhat hectic pace. The first matter that arose just before Christmas was the completion of latest monitoring report concerning the presence of Kauri dieback. The news is not good. Kauri dieback is a…