Category: living wage

  • So much for Localism and Devolution

    So much for Localism and Devolution

    Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has announced that the Government will do away with Local Government’s obligations to consider the social, cultural and environmental implications of their decisions.

  • Auckland Council’s emergency budget

    Auckland Council’s emergency budget

    The Emergency Budget consultation is now under way. Auckland Council’s budget consultation documents suggest there is no business as usual option for Auckland Council. And they are correct. But I am worried that the draft focusses entirely on financial matters and ignores the community and environmental repercussions of what is clearly an austerity budget. The…

  • Westpac becomes accredited living wage employer

    Westpac becomes accredited living wage employer

    Hell must be freezing over.  This post is to congratulate Westpac on becoming an accredited living wage employer. What is especially interesting is that it was willing to submit to the certification process of a voluntary organisation comprising of representatives of the trade union movement, community groups and faith based groups. From the Living Wage…

  • Should politics be kept out of Local Government?

    Should politics be kept out of Local Government?

    I always thought this was an absurd proposition.  Because like it or not Local Government is deeply political.  Keeping politics out of politics may appeal to some but it is never going to happen. I am proudly standing as a Labour Party candidate this year.  This is the first time that I have actually had…

  • Jobs that count pledge

    Jobs that count pledge

    The New Zealand Council of Trade Unions is seeking that all local body candidates sign a pledge which sets out basic expectations for elected representatives to meet. After reading them I was more than happy to do so. The required pledges are brief and simple yet very elegant descriptions of what I believe elected representatives…