Category: Environment

  • The new term

    The new term

    The text of my speech for the inaugural meeting of the Waitakere Ranges Local Board. Can I first thank Mana Whenua for starting our meeting and our term in a most appropriate way. Can I thank everyone for attending this the inaugural meeting of the fourth Waitakere Ranges Local Board. I have had the privilege…

  • Three years of living dangerously

    Three years of living dangerously

    Tena koutou katoa The end of a political term is always an opportunity to reflect on what has happened during the term, wonder about what we could have achieved but did not, and celebrate the decisions that we are proud of. And it is an opportunity to reflect on the nature of the job and…

  • The Waitakere Ranges Local Board’s position on the Watercare Plant

    The Waitakere Ranges Local Board’s position on the Watercare Plant

    In the interests of public transparency I thought I should set out what the Local Board submitted on the resource consent application for the Waima water treatment plant. Here it is. The submission is subject to final approval which will be considered at our board meeting on September 26. ___________________________________________________________________________ The Waitākere  Ranges Local Board…

  • With enough trees …

    With enough trees …

    There was this fascinating recent article in the Guardian which laid out in very plain terms what we know already.  The best way to start addressing climate change and to start to absorb carbon dioxide while we work out how we are going to wean ourselves off petroleum and air travel is to plant trees,…

  • It’s the end of the world as we know it *

    It’s the end of the world as we know it *

    The United Nations has published a report that paints a stark warning that humanity’s current treatment of the world’s environment is destroying it. From Kate Gudsell at Radio New Zealand: The most comprehensive report on the global state of biodiversity to date has found one million species are threatened with extinction. The just-published United Nations…