Category: Denise Yates

  • Three years of living dangerously

    Three years of living dangerously

    Tena koutou katoa The end of a political term is always an opportunity to reflect on what has happened during the term, wonder about what we could have achieved but did not, and celebrate the decisions that we are proud of. And it is an opportunity to reflect on the nature of the job and…

  • RIP Denise Yates

    RIP Denise Yates

    With a great deal of sadness I wish to note that Denise Yates, a member of the Waitakere Ranges Local Board has died. Denise and I go back a long way. I was involved in her election as a Waitakere City Councillor in 2000 during a by election. We were both then elected as Councillors…

  • What the Waitakere Ranges Local Board wish to accomplish this term

    What the Waitakere Ranges Local Board wish to accomplish this term

    I have had the privilege of being elected as chair of the Waitakere Ranges Local Board this term and my colleague Saffron Toms will be deputy chair.  Following is the text of my speech that I have to the Board’s inaugural meeting. E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e rau rangatira mā Tēnā koutou, tēnā…

  • Thank you

    Future West would like to thank everyone who supported us.  We had a very good day yesterday and on provisional figures we have succeeded in getting everyone elected. Commiserations to Christine Rose who went close to gaining a seat on Auckland Council representing the Waitakere ward but she fell short and finished third.  Congratulations to…