Category: Community

  • The synthetic cannabis issue

    The synthetic cannabis issue

    The Glen Eden Residents Association and the Glen Eden Community Patrol held a public meeting recently to discuss local issues with Synthetic Cannabis. The drug is a scourge.  I have represented young people in Court for many years and I know how problematic and destructive the drug can be for them. The issue was highlighted…

  • Submit, submit …

    Submit, submit …

    The Waitakere Ranges Local Board is currently seeking local input on our draft three year plan. The plan’s purpose is to reflect the priorities and preferences of our communities with regards to the level and nature of local activities to be provided by Auckland Council over the next three years. To help us complete the…

  • Watercare opts for Manuka Road site over Oratia

    Watercare opts for Manuka Road site over Oratia

    I attended the Watercare Board meeting today where the preferred site for the new Water Treatment Plant was going to be decided. The event was very sombre.  Groups from both the Waima and Oratia communities were present.  It was akin to turning up to a funeral and not knowing which person was going to die.…

  • The water treatment plant, Watercare, Parker Road and Exhibition Drive

    The water treatment plant, Watercare, Parker Road and Exhibition Drive

    The past month has been dominated by news that Watercare is considering two sites for a new water treatment plant and that Exhibition Drive in Titirangi may be under threat.  The old plant in Woodlands Park is reaching the end of its natural life and will need replacement fairly soon.  And this has caused Watercare…

  • What the Waitakere Ranges Local Board wish to accomplish this term

    What the Waitakere Ranges Local Board wish to accomplish this term

    I have had the privilege of being elected as chair of the Waitakere Ranges Local Board this term and my colleague Saffron Toms will be deputy chair.  Following is the text of my speech that I have to the Board’s inaugural meeting. E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e rau rangatira mā Tēnā koutou, tēnā…