Come On, West Auckland! It’s Our Time!


Future West with Len Brown

Voting papers are being sent out from today, and Future West and Future Whau have made it real easy to vote for Your Street, not Queen Street.

For Mayor of the Auckland Super City, tick Len Brown.

For the Henderson-Massey and Waitakere Ranges Local Board, tick all the Future West Candidates.

For the Whau Local Board, tick all the Future Whau Candidates.

For the Portage and Waitakere Licensing Trusts, tick all the Future West and City Vision Candidates.

Why? From our About page:

[Future West and Future Whau’s] goal is to get strong, progressive local people elected, so the Waitakere way is kept alive in the new, amalgamated structure. The coalition backs community-power and keeping community assets like libraries, pools and water in community control. It wants safer streets, local jobs, better public transport and to see the Eco-City values spread across the region. It also supports Maori representation on Council.

Tell your friends, tell your family, tell your co-workers, tell your neighbours – the only way to vote in West Auckland is Future West and Future Whau.







4 responses to “Come On, West Auckland! It’s Our Time!”

  1. Christopher Thompson Avatar
    Christopher Thompson

    I’m somewhat confused that the City Vision/Future Whau ticket doesn’t have any candidate standing for Council; does Whau not have a seat? There is no way I’ll vote for the egregious Noelene Raffills who during her time on the ACC has done absolutely nothing for the area: the parks and reserves are infested with pest plants; the rail corridor is slathered in graffiti; the quality of council infrastructure in the Avondale/Blockhouse Bay area is shocking. She has supported without question the NZTA’s invasive and disruptive proposals for the extension of the SH20 while at the same time condemning the ward to high levels of pollution and congestion by failing to ensure that the ACC upgraded Wolverton Street; she failed to support the proposed Avondale swimming pool, leading to its cancellation, etc. On the other hand, cruising on the reputation of her late husband, she has toed the C&R line to ensure that east Auckland’s facilities are second to none and has pursued her particular interests such as ensuring that Avondale Mt Roskill Community Board SLIP grants are allocated to non core activities such as Christian youth groups to enable them to attend prayer weekends, etc. And yet no one from Future Whau is standing against her: why not?

  2. Jeremy Greenbrook-Held Avatar

    I would suggest you vote for Ross Clow, Christopher. While Ross is not on our ticket, he is a solid candidate who has a proven, progressive track record in all the areas you raise.

  3. Wayne Davis Avatar
    Wayne Davis

    RossClow stands on the Labour Ticket.
    So Votes how Labour tell him?
    I am running as an Independant, under the banner of Shadbolt’s Independant’
    I have stood as a Independant for more than 9 byears, as I will NOT be told what to say, and support what the voters feel.
    after all, i am there to serve them,

    1. egprgma33402com42599 Avatar

      But Wayne you are a member of the National Party …

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