Category: watercare
The Waitakere Ranges Local Board’s position on the Watercare Plant
In the interests of public transparency I thought I should set out what the Local Board submitted on the resource consent application for the Waima water treatment plant. Here it is. The submission is subject to final approval which will be considered at our board meeting on September 26. ___________________________________________________________________________ The Waitākere Ranges Local Board…
Chair’s report March 2018 – Glen Eden Apartments, plastic free initiatives and Holi!
Chair’s report March 2018 The new year has been off to a frenetic part and there is a lot to report on. Ted Manson and the Glen Eden Apartments The ten storey Glen Eden apartments are now being constructed. Within a year or so the area will have 160 new residences, many of them social…
August Chair’s report – Kauri Dieback is getting worse
Through the vagaries of timing and the loss of a meeting I did not present a Chair’s report during July. This was not a reflection that nothing was happening. A number of important issues continue to attract the attention of the Board. Draft local board plan The consultation round about the Draft Local Board plan…
Watercare opts for Manuka Road site over Oratia
I attended the Watercare Board meeting today where the preferred site for the new Water Treatment Plant was going to be decided. The event was very sombre. Groups from both the Waima and Oratia communities were present. It was akin to turning up to a funeral and not knowing which person was going to die.…
Chair’s report May 2017 – what Watercare should do, Anzac Day and a celebration for Piha
One of the most satisfying parts of my job is the writing of the Chair’s report each month. This makes me focus on what we want to achieve this term and on what has happened so far. This month, like all of the other months, has been full of events and matters of interest and…