Category: Uncategorized

  • The Maori Advisory Board

    Greg Presland I recently had an article published in the Herald about the Maori Advisory Board but following recent events thought that I should review my comments. Mayor Len Brown has been criticised by some for his efforts in reaching agreement with the Maori Advisory Board about its funding. This is unfair. I agree that…

  • Public Transport is facing a crisis

    By Greg Presland Recently I did something that I have never done before.  I spent over $90 on gas filling up my highly fuel efficient Toytoa Prius.  This should last me a couple of weeks but for those who do not own fuel efficient cars things must be hurting. Public transport use has exploded.  Over…

  • Auckland Transport and the decision to increase train fares

    I posted previously about the recent increase in train fares.  The decision was something of a shock.  The rationale appears to be that train services have increased and therefore cost more and the increase is therefore justified.  But why should train fares be increased while bus fares remain the same?  Why should they be treated…

  • The Spatial Plan, Public Transport and the Government’s aspirations for Auckland

    The Spatial Plan, Public Transport and the Government’s aspirations for Auckland

    Bunji at the Standard and the good folk at the Transport Blog have already posted on this issue but it is important and needs as much consideration as possible. In what appears to be a pre-emptive strike the Government has released various Cabinet papers detailing its response to the Super City’s aspirations.  There are a…

  • Why does the Government hates trains?

    Why does the Government hates trains?

    Greetings everyone. It has been a while since anything has been posted but I intend to make sure that there are regular postings. One of the criticisms of the Super City is the transfer of immense power to CCOs whose boards of directors were primarily going to be appointed by Rodney Hide. The first big…