Category: social media

  • The voter turnout problem

    The voter turnout problem

    We are down to the last few days of the 2016 local government election campaign.  By about 1 pm this Saturday we will have a good idea who the new mayor is, who the Councillors are and what the local boards will look like. Turnout is still problematic.  It is currently at 19.9% which is…

  • The great Mayoral candidate social media face-off

    The great Mayoral candidate social media face-off

    We are now into the final two weeks of what been a very interesting local government campaign.  The voting papers have been delivered and are being returned at a reasonable rate.  Currently the rate of return is well ahead of where it was at the same time during the last election campaign.  If this continues…

  • The great Local Board Facebook contest

    For someone now over 50 I was a fairly early converter to social media and I have marvelled at its ability to reach out and spread news and shape opinions.  At best it is a fearsome beast that can change political views overnight.  At worst it is a snarling beast where everyone shouts at each…