Category: Mayor
Auckland Council’s finances – there is no crisis
At the risk of being described as financially illiterate I thought I would set out why I think Auckland Council selling its airport shares is a particularly silly thing to do and why Council’s finances are not in a status of crisis.
Auckland’s proposed Climate Change dedicated rate
The mayor is proposing a dedicated rate equating to $1.18 per week for the average ratepayer to address climate change. But is it enough?
The Mayor’s budget proposal and Auckland’s climate change response
Auckland Mayor Phil Goff’s recently released budget proposal contains some welcome proposals to address climate change. But of itself this budget will not go near to achieving Auckland’s goal of halving emissions by 50% in 2030.
The new Government intends to take action on Kauri dieback
With new ministers now in place and getting their heads around some of the biggest issues faced in their portfolios the Central and Local Government response to Kauri dieback is being reviewed. From a Beehive Press release: The Government will move immediately to strengthen efforts to protect kauri trees from dieback disease, Biosecurity Minister Damien…
The possible privatisation of Ports of Auckland
The future of Auckland’s port has become the subject of some media attention recently. Is it going to be privatised? The conjecture started with this article by Bernard Orsman in the Herald. It said this: High level discussions are under way over the future of Ports of Auckland as Auckland Mayor Phil Goff wrestles with…