Category: auckland transport
Auckland Council’s emergency budget
The Emergency Budget consultation is now under way. Auckland Council’s budget consultation documents suggest there is no business as usual option for Auckland Council. And they are correct. But I am worried that the draft focusses entirely on financial matters and ignores the community and environmental repercussions of what is clearly an austerity budget. The…
Further thoughts on Auckland Council’s emergency budget
Council is in the process of preparing an emergency budget. Clearly Covid19 is having a dramatic effect on Council’s finances. I wrote earlier about the effect could be that Council loses hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue. I also said this: In working out how to respond there is always the fiscally disciplined approach,…
Auckland Transport’s reorganisation – no walking and cycling unit?
One aspect of corporate life that I have never understood is the random and occasional destruction of office morale by a good old staff restructure. Whole departments are consigned to oblivion and individuals face the terrifying prospect of sudden unemployment at the signing of a pen. Of course there is always a consultation, and the…