Category: Auckland Council Finances
Auckland Council’s finances – there is no crisis
At the risk of being described as financially illiterate I thought I would set out why I think Auckland Council selling its airport shares is a particularly silly thing to do and why Council’s finances are not in a status of crisis.
What sort of city do you want to live in? If you do not wish to live in a city that is going backwards environmentally, artistically and socially then please submit on Auckland Council’s Draft Annual Budget.
Sandra Coney – The Mayor’s Budget 2023/24
“Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!” * The Auckland Council is currently consulting on the proposed Mayor’s Budget 2023/24 which makes enormous cuts in funding for community, the arts and environment. This proposal is now out for consultation. It is critical that individuals, groups and community make their voices heard through this process.…
Council’s proposed budget is unfair to Waitakere Ranges
Auckland Council is currently consulting on the Mayor’s proposed budget. One of the headlines is that the Mayor is asking local boards to find 5% savings of our total budget. Of itself this does not sound so bad. But unfortunately when you dig into the detail, as I have done, the consequences are somewhat dire…
Why selling Auckland Airport shares is a silly thing to do
As part of the cost cutting Mayoral budget proposal Mayor Brown is recommending that Auckland Council divests itself of its airport shares. Currently it owns 266,328,912 shares, about 18% of the total shareholding. At current prices the shareholding is worth about $2.16 billion although such a large share sale would dilute the market. Thanks to…